
Weekend Recap


Well overall I had a good weekend. The usual being lazy, catching up on sleep, spending time with my daughter and her dad, cleaning, cooking and all that fun stuff. I could'nt go to the gym thou on Friday due to "female problems", so I stayed home and did my work out video which was good.
Malan had started to stand up by herself a lot more now, especially when she holds food in her hand, she will stand there for a long time and even do her little dance she made up lol. It is so cute. Me and her dad have started to pick her up and one of us will be away from her and call her to come to us. Malan stands there doing her little dance but she is so scared to move one foot infront of the other. Although she tryed it but didn't quiet manage to pick up her leg to far off the ground and fell. She didn't hurt herself. When shes ready though she will begin to take those little steps by herself, for now she will continue to stand up by herself and make me and her daddy smile.

Also on Friday it was my little sisters 18th birthday. She lives in England so I didn't get to see her or anything but I did messege her on my blackberry, which is nothing new. Modinat (my sister) had a party and I think she enjoyed herself which was nice. Its crazy thinking that my sister is 18 already. I haven't seen her since 2008 so I still remember her being that young. Even when she tells me shes going to drink and things like that it is so shocking to me because I still think shes so young. In England the legal age to drink is 18. Although I don't drink myself it's her life so no matter what my opinion is on that, thats all it will remain is an opinion.
I called my dad this weekend to so I could talk to him, seeing as I only really talk to him on my days off so I call him anytime between Thursday and Saturday. He didn't answer though, or he didn't call back so I might just try again sometime this week.
I had to make a new facebook page because I said I wanted the new timeline thing they have on facebook and ended up not liking it but they wouldn't set my profile back to the way it was and I hated the way the timeline app made it look. I just deleted my old page and created a whole new facebook, which I didn't mind because the facebook I deleted didn't have much going on seeing as that was pretty new so I didn't loose out on friends or anything like that, everyone just added my new page or I added them.

I also painted my nails this weekend seeing as I wanted to pass some time before I went to wash clothes. I painted them black and gold which was pretty pointless because my nails got ruined not even 20 minutes later. But good thing I did them just to pass time and not because I was going somewhere nice.

I found out my sister is having a boy which is pretty much what I thought, but seeing as my family is mostly all girls that kind of swayed my thoughts. My sister is due in May and my other sister was born in May so lets see when baby decides to come.
Finding out my sister was pregnant was pretty hard for me, especially looking back at everything I went through, I would never and still don't want non of that to happen to her. They say everything happens for a reason so if shes happy so am I.
Only thing my dad still doesn't know that shes pregnant which is pretty awkward with me knowing and talking to him asmuch as I do. Also she talks to him but shes still not quiet ready to tell him. I just hope everything works out for the best.

So there you have it that was my weekend in a nut shell. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. Now its back to work!

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