
Nine Months


Well today your 9 months, sorry about your picture. This was really the only one I could take on my phone, seeing as the camera had died and you really wasn't trying to take anymore. I was supposed to do your hair today also, but for the most part I was sleep and shall do it tomorrow or Thursday because I don't work and won't be tired from the gym.
Your getting a little irritated, because your two top teeth are coming through now and I'm assuming they hurt more than when your two bottom teeth came in. You cry alot more and you make these funny faces with your mouth. I need to capture them faces on the camera. Your beginning to also use your toy to help you walk and your doing really good. You've been standing up holding onto the couch and moving from one end to another for a long time now though. Everytime me or daddy eats you want some even if you don't know what it is you will stand there until you get some and do this little dance you've learned lol. When you realize you can't eat what were eating you start to cry a lot then roll your eyes, depending who won't give you the food you go to the other one then be mad.
Your due your 9 month shots also, but I know your not looking forward to those.
I just hope you know that mummy and daddy love you very much and have loved the 9 months we have got to spend with you and look forward to many more.


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