
Day 1 : Gym time


Well today was the first day beginning my work out. I went to the gym after I did a ten hour shift at work from 10pm the previous night, till 8am today. I'm going to go everyday after work for one week just to see how that goes, to determine if I can do it and get enough sleep before I go back to work at night time. If that doesn't work out I will have to go around 4-5pm when Malans dad goes and Malan can go in the gym daycare.
My body is kind of in pain, I may of over did it for my first time back in the gym. The first thing I did when I got in there was hit the treadmill. I ran for 6 minutes on the speed of 6, which may not seem like a lot to people and it was never seeming like a lot to me either when I was actually "fit" and ran on the treadmill everyday. I need to realize I'v not worked out in a LONG time so I need to be easy and take my time. After running those 6 minutes and almost passing out, I walked on a speed of 3.5 for 20 minutes, ran for another 4 minutes on the speed of 6, then did my cool down for 5 minutes. When I got of that treadmill I felt like I was floating on air and my legs where hurting. After the threadmill I did various different excercises on the equipment to work on my arms, aswell as light weights. I then worked on my legs a little and did some abb crunches.
Basically today I was all over the place with my work out, testing out the equipment and seeing which ones would best help me achieve my goal in the long run. Tommorow I'm planning on having a routine and working on different things on different days in order to give various parts of my body a rest.
So overal today was good, although my body is now in pain and everytime I get up to walk my legs hurt and even my arms are pretty tired. Its all worth it though, today was just day one, tommorow is day two, so on and so forth. After a while my body will get use to "working out", until then I will be hurting and complaining lol

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