
Seven Months

Hay mamaz, your seven months already. You have been having me and your daddy running all around the house after you. You've been crawling for a few months now, you stand up on anything and everything then walk side ways. The pictures we have on the living room tabel, you have scrunched up and they will never be straight again.
Malan why do you pull down the dvd's in the living room, and wet me when your in the tub? You get mad when me and your dad lay down together, I know your not jelous (lol). Your a real daddies girl and the bond you both have is unbreakable. I Love It We try have some family time, because mummy works sun-wed from 10PM-8AM and she's tired when she gets home so sorry if I'm not so active and play with you. It seems every morning I come you wake right up, so either your dad wakes up and takes you so mummy can sleep or mummy takes you so daddy can get a extra hour or two sleep.
Malan mummy and daddy love you more than anything in this world. We want nothing but the best for you, things may seem bad between us but just know we love each other dearly.

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