
Weekend Recap

My sister in England had her baby, I was so excited about that and was anxiously waiting for some pictures so I could see what he looked like. I was happy that he was a healthy baby boy. I also spoke to my sister Ganiyat for a little while and caught up on a few more things. I cooked some chicken, mac & cheese with string beans. I really have been slacking cooking "real food" it feels like during the weekdays while I work I don't even have time to do that and also Malan had become very fussy with what she eats. We went to bed pretty early that night also because Marlan had work the next day.

Baby Marlan turned 5 months, I cant believe how fast time is flying by and how big he is getting, it really is upsetting to me for some reason how him and Malan are just growing right before our eyes. Today me and the kids were pretty much couch/ bed potatoes. I stayed on the couch for the majority of the day while Marlan was in work. Marlans little cousin Bookie came over to just chill because she was bored at home and wanted to get out of the house. It felt like I barley saw Malan all day today also, because she was in my room laying down for the most part of the day, I would go in there every once in a while to see if she needed anything and to bring her some food. I even went in and she was fast asleep.

My friend Lindsey from work came over with her kids so we could hang out, she usually comes once every weekend but shes been pretty busy lately so she hasn't been over the past two weeks. We was chilling, talking, and watching the kids play and mess up the apartment. I was so excited today also because I made baby Marlan a bottle and I was holding it telling him to come get it to see what he would do. At first he was laying on his stomach then the next thing we know he pushed himself up into a sitting position. I was sitting there in shock like did he really just do this, I couldn't believe it and I didn't even have the camera. After that he drunk his bottle and was cool after that. We ordered some pizza hut for us and the kids, I had my plate on the floor and baby Marlan really "arm crawled" towards my plate, so I moved him back and went to get the camera so I could video him because this was the first time Ive seen him do this. He kept making his way towards my plate. I was so shocked and happy. My babies are growing up so quick its kind of sad

I woke up to find Marlan sprawled out laying on my legs, smiled then laid back down and went to sleep. That's a shame I didn't even know he was laying on me, I didn't even hear him come in "last night", I must of been really tired. Today we all was being lazy for the most part, I had some sewing I wanted to do all weekend really and still by today I didn't get any of it done. Me, Marlan, Malan and baby Marlan was laying in bed really all day today you can say. I took a little nap before having to be at work later tonight.
Overall I had a good weekend with my family and enjoyed Lindsey and the kids coming over. Me and Marlan had the usual conversations we have, I guess I just cant "get over" a lot of things. I do love that man with all of me though!

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