
Ouch, that hurts

So today after work I ended up calling the college I will be attending in May so that I could set up an appointment to get m TB test done. Lucky for me they let me come in at 9:30am. I spent like 20 minutes driving around trying to find the building then another 10 walking to the building from the car. Do you know how hard that is with a almost 2 year old and carrying a 16+ pound baby in his car seat *not cool, and to only sit in there for maybe 10 minutes the most.
After that I headed to one of the clinics where we live since they said they do walk ins and I got my hep b shot done. Boy did that hurt, I told Marlan now I know why babies cry. The actual shot didn't hurt but what ever was in there entering my arm stung a little. Now all I need to do is get the 2nd part of my TB test then my next 2 shots for hep b then I will be set to do the clinical part in college *Yay me

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