
Weekend Recap: Chicago Trip

I was looking through my phone and seen these of baby Marlan and his daddy, taken today. I don't know where I was at.

After Marlan got of work we went drove to Chicago, I barely slept that day either and I was the one who ended up driving because I knew either way if I drove or not I still wouldn't go to sleep regardless how sleepy I was. As usual though when me and Marlan get to talking I wake right up. It was nice going down there because his mum or the rest of his family haven't saw Malan in months and they have never seen baby Marlan. The family where excited to see the baby and was saying how big he is. We got there pretty late so we didn't go out or anything.
First time Marlans mum seen baby Marlan ... Malan and her chunky face :)
Baby Marlan and his cousin KJ sleepning

Marlans cousin Kashay was over his mums house with her baby Kj who is 2 weeks older than baby Marlan. That was the first time we seen him since he was born and the first time she also saw baby Marlan. Marlan went outside to run a few errands and I sat talking to Kashay and the family. We laughed at the kids playing and getting to be around each other. Malan was acting so funny with everyone, she didn't want no one to pick her up or anything. Its like she was literally glued to me, anywhere I went she was right beside me. Everyone was saying how much of a happy baby that baby Marlan is. All he was doing was laughing and smiling, oh and lets not forget blowing spit bubbles.
Malan and her little cousin KJ(Kashays baby)
Kashay curled my hair :)
We was supposed to go to the mall to see if we could pick up the kids some things for summer and also to see what type of things they had there, so Kashay curled my hair for me and it looked super cute. I did feel like I was sitting there forever and would say "people really sit here this long getting there hair done". Kashay is really good with doing hair though, all different types and all different styles (it doesn't even have to be yours lol)
Anywhoo I got dressed and got the kids dressed, by the time I knew it time was passing and passing. We left the house and it was probably around 6pm, from Marlans mums we went to his cousins house so she could see the kids and we could say hay. We ended up staying there for a while and didn't even end up going to the mall. We went back to his mums and I stayed up talking to Kashay and playing with the kids (long story short)
Marlan said my hair looks nice like that :)

We went to the mall today, Marlan wanted to get the kids a couple pairs of shoes but they barley had any in Malans size and for the baby he just got him some for when he starts walking/ his feet get bigger(just so he has them). We came back to his mums house and got something to eat seeing as we were starving.
Malans little auntie and her cousin were decorating eggs for Easter, Malan didn't want to get involved though. Instead she sat down and ate then started back being right by my side. It would have been nice for her to decorate the eggs though but like I said "she is funny acting". Although basically all weekend she was playing and talking to Marlans dog. Malan would be sitting down laughing, rubbing and playing with the dog. It was so cute.
My baby had a long day!
Malan and her cousin Jakiah

Well today we drove back home from Chicago, the drive seemed pretty quick. We stopped at Walmart before we went home though so I could get Malan some type of mini Easter eggs. When we got home I didn't even bother putting away the clothes or anything for that matter. I pumped milk for the baby, took a shower then laid down for an hour or less before having to get right back up for work.

I swear this whole weekend I felt like I barley slept and it went super fast. Although it seemed to be a lot of "bs" going on, I still managed to enjoy my weekend with my little family and it was nice seeing faces I haven't seen in a while, also new additions to Marlans family ... Back to work!

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