
Happy 2nd Birthday Malan

I remember when I first had you, held you in my arms, kissed you, cried for you, cried with you. That day in the hospital, I didn't know where life would take me or where I would even be, but I knew one thing for sure, I had to be strong for you and give you all the love I had. I knew you needed me just as much as I needed you. It was love at first sight and from that day I would love you more and more

Then 4/10/12 came and you turned 1, so much happened in that year, so many happy memories, so many memories I would like to forget. So much learning as a mother and growing as a woman. You helped me through a lot and seeing your face everyday made me stronger and made me want to be a better person. You enjoyed your birthday, me and daddy gave you a party in Chicago with your family a few days before your birthday, then on your actual birthday we took you to the movies and out to eat (ohh how you love to eat) After that we took you and your cousins to chuck e cheese, you loved the pizza there, not the games so much

Then today came and you turned 2, oh where did the time go. A few times today I had to catch myself holding back tears. My baby, isn't such a baby anymore, you need me less and less now. Its like I find it hard to accept your not such a baby anymore, your growing up, talking more, running around, playing and laughing more. You do things for yourself now and when you need me or daddy, you let us know. I love when you lay beside me, kiss my check and say "wove you" (love you), it warms my heart. I love laying down and trying to nap before work and you come in the room wanting to lay down with me. My baby, not such a baby no more
Today we waited until daddy was of work so you could open your gifts. When he came home you sat impatiently waiting, you even was trying to chew on the boxes to get them open while daddy took of his work clothes and put on his "house clothes". Finally you got to open your gifts and was so happy in doing so. It was so nice watching you play in your ball pit with your uncle Nate. I cant wait for this weekend so we can camp out in the living room, enjoy some food and movies. Seeing you smile so much today and be so happy makes everything worth it.
Me and daddy love you so very much and want nothing but the best for you. You baby brother loves you also. We all do, you will always be my baby no matter how big you get

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