
Working Out ... Again

I joined the gym again sometime in February but it's been hard for me to go. Although I am very motivated it seems I come on my cycle every few days thanks to this wonderful thing called birth control I have placed in my arm. I even gave up drinking anything that isn't water or milk.I gave up chocolate for new years and easing my way of the candy. I'm just trying to get my stomach toned and get into shape again. I really do enjoy working out when I get the chance and when I'm in the gym I feel a lot more motivated like I can do anything but then that time of the month comes and I start to feel like I fall of and get to a point where I'm like forget this. I'm really trying to get back down to around 140 again, which means loosing around 20 pounds which seems like it will take forever to do. With working 10 hours over night, having a almost 2 year old and 4 month old, being a house mummy, getting my plans for college in action, trying to spend time with my partner, and finding time to sleep you would think the gym would be the last thing on my mind. As Of March 1st I weighed 162 pounds and hopefully by the end of the summer I hope to drop at least 10 pounds if it's not to much to ask. I'm thinking about getting the p90x so when I can't go to the gym I can find time to do that at home. Hopefully something gives though...

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