
Weekend Recap

My weekend begins on Thursday morning, seeing as that's when I get off work and wont return until Sunday night.

On Thursday I ended up going to the gym after work finally then to Walmart to grab some things for my upcoming project I'm planning on doing for Malan. I also grabbed a movie from the red box for me and Marlan to watch while we ate later that night. I must say that Twilight breaking dawn part 2 was a really good movie and defiantly worth watching. I've watched all of them now and I'm pretty sad that there will be no more coming out.
On Friday me and Malan went to Walmart yet again. Poor Malan was so tired she ended up falling asleep in the shopping cart and walking around I kept hearing people like "aww how cute" "she must be tired" "look at the little girl"

Yes I stopped to snap a picture of this cute moment, my baby girl sleeping while I was getting some shopping done.
I brought some things for the apt, but my favourite purchase of the day was my sewing machine. After searching long and hard trying to figure out what machine I wanted to get and which one would be a good price for a start up first time machine, I ended up going with the Brother CE8080PRW Project Runway

I was so excited to get this, I went to the self check out at Walmart (bad idea) I was there for over 20 minutes while they tried to assist me because the stupid machine wouldn't work, Malan woke up by this time and was acting very fussy because she was ready to be at home laying down instead of sitting in the uncomfortable trolley. Finally after what seemed like forever we got to go home.
Baby Marlan was sleep per usual, he's really been sleeping a lot recently. My co- worker said its normal because he is having a growth spurt. Me and Malan was also going to start her little project but it was getting dark outside and it was pretty cold so we thought to save it for Saturday seeing as Marlan said it would be warmer (very wrong)
On Saturday we was all hanging out, the baby played a lot with Malan, he's becoming a lot more aware of his surroundings and wants to follow you everywhere. He loves being with his dad Marlan. Anytime he comes in the room baby Marlan will look at him until he picks him up. He laughs a lot with Malan and keeps rolling over. Now we have to watch him when hes on the couch so he wont fall. I cleaned up a little with Malans help of course. Then I plugged up my sewing machine so I could see what it was made of. Watching videos on YouTube helped a lot with what to and not to do. I like my machine so far, and the different stitches it does are really cute.
We was expecting company, Malan ended up falling asleep while waiting and not long after that baby Marlan went to sleep and I followed. I didn't even know Marlan had came back from the gym I was so tired. My friend from work ended up having to cancel which was fine with me because I got to catch up on a little sleep and the kids would see her family tomorrow anyway seeing as it will be her sons birthday

Now leading me to Sunday, the day I pretty much dread because I know I will be returning to work later at night. Don't get me wrong, I do like my job, I just like sleep and spending time with my family a lot more.
Well I woke up around 8am with baby Marlan while Malan and Marlan stayed sleep. When baby Marlan got his bottle he ended up falling back to sleep anyways but I was up because I had to pump as well as I really wanted some pancakes and eggs so I made some. I got in the shower then woke the baby up to put him in the tub then later on Malan so they could be ready for the party at chuck e cheese that started at 11am. We still managed to be 1 hour late though. Malan had so much fun, she was running around playing, dancing, eating and making new friends. It was so nice seeing our daughter enjoy herself like she did. Baby Marlan was sleep for most of he time we were there with his dad. When he was awake he was just laughing and looking around like "where are we". After leaving the party we all came home and took a "nap". All of us was so tired.
All and all i enjoyed the weekend spending time with my family and watching my children enjoy themselves. Now I'm back at work sitting her eyes watering and steady yawning. I need to find something to do to keep me awake and occupied because I still have 8 hours left to go :(

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