

Marlan started his job today, so this was the start of many hard days to come. We have two children, I work 10pm - 8am while he works 8am - 5pm and with just one car I have to see if I can leave work a little early in order for him to pick me up.
I feel like I barley slept, I went to sleep around 9am and woke up around 12pm. Then I didn't get back to sleep until around 7pm and had to wake up at 9pm. All in all I would say I had roughly 5 hours of sleep and then it was back to work.
I know this isn't going to be easy but I keep reminding myself that this is for our children and doing whats best for them so we can provide a better life for them. I just need to get my schedule to where I can get a little more sleep. I hate feeling like I'm tired because I act so moody and I don't want to act a certain way towards Marlan or the kids because it isn't there fault. I don't know when me and Marlan will even have time for each other now seeing as when I'm working he would be sleeping and when I'm sleeping he would be working, then when hes not working i would be trying to get some sleep before having to come back into work. Lets not forget to mention that after doing a 10 hour overnight shift and while hes working I would have to have the kids during that time, cleaning, cooking and basically spending quality time with them.
I'm glad that we both get the weekends of so I know for sure we will be around each other and be able to spend a little time as a family.
This is only day one and I'm already thinking about what it would be like when I start college and how hard its going to be then for us. We just need to continue to work together and think positive. I need to just breath, and keep reminding myself "this is for our kids" and in the long run hard work will pay off.

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