
Lets Go Back... Very Long Post

This is so long overdue, I still wanted to get it done though. After this I can finally keep up month to month.

The Beginning - November
My due date was 11/11/12, but you had other plans. You didn't want to come so they scheduled me for an induction on 11/19/12 at 7:15am. Me and your daddy left for the hospital, we checked in then went to our room. When we got settled in they put me on a drip for the GBS that I had and boy did that sting. The nurse was nice enough to help ease the pain by adding another drip to it wouldn't sting as much.
The doctor came in the room at 9:15am and I was 4cm dilated, 50% effaced and -2. The doctor said she would be back in later on to break my water because she wanted to give the penicillin time to kick in. The doctor came back at 10:40am and broke my water, I was still dilated 4cm, nothing changed. Again I was checked at 12:35pm and I was now 5cm dilated. At 4:25pm I was 7cm dilated and still -2. Mind you during this time the contractions were a lot stronger and more consistent. I sat on the ball for a while, walked around the room, got in the tub then went to lay back down. I was just trying to do anything I could to really hurry this natural labor on. I think I was a little in denial because with Malan it was quick and easy so I thought it would be the same again - very wrong.

Born on 11/19/12 at 7:24pm, weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces, length 19 3/4 inches
Your very first "bath". You really liked it, you were so relaxed and quiet
Looking just like Malan when she was born and laying on daddy
Getting big already
Baby Marlans belly button fell of on 11/28/12

Baby Marlan had his 2 week check up on 12/3/12, he weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces, he was 20 1/4 inches and his head circumference was 36.2cm
Malan used her pot for the first time on 12/26/12, she was a little embarrassed because she pooped but we were so excited
January 2013
Malan had her first dentist appointment on 1/10/13. The dentist were surprised how well she did, Malan was very excited she got a new tooth brush and a sticker :)
Baby Marlan had his 2 month check up on 1/21/13, he was 13 pounds 12 ounces. His height was 23 inches and his head circumference was 40.2cm
Baby Marlan ended up in hospital with RSV on 1/25/13, you stayed in there overnight so they could check your breathing. We were blessed to go home the next day and from there you only got better
Baby Marlan got his ears pierced on 2/8/13 he cried a little but after he was just fine and he looked so cute (not like he didn't before)
I made Malan a tutu, it wasn't quiet finished yet though

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