
Baby Marlan: 4 Months

You had your 4 month check up today (3/19/13)
weight: 16 Pounds 7 oz
Height: 25 1/2 inches
Head circumference: 42 1/2 cm

Look who turned 4 months today, I cant believe how fast time is really flying. Your rolling around, holding up your head, you drool so much and want to put everything you see in your mouth. You love your big sister Malan so much and enjoy spending time with her, you laugh when she plays with you and you make sure to follow her around the room anytime she leaves your sight. You also sleep so much but when daddy tries to get some sleep, you wont let him because you think its time to play and kick. You love spending time with your dad and every time he comes in the room you look at him to pick you up, you wont stop staring at him until he picks you up then you start laughing. Your on around 5oz of breast milk but we think it might be time to up your ounces because you still want to act hungry when you finish your bottles. You are a really good, happy baby boy and I hope you know that me, daddy and your big sister Malan love you so very much and are blessed to have you in our lives. I wish I could spend every minute of everyday with you, watching you grow and making sure I don't miss out on anything that you do but unfortunately that cant happen because mummy needs to work, go to school and also try get some sleep. I spend whatever time I can with you which is a lot but to me it will never be enough or even what I want it to be.

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