
Insanity: Day 22 Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

I know I jumped from day 17 - day 22. Well I didnt skip the days, I just dont really feel like posting about them. They did go well though and I made it through. I can't believe how fast these days are flying by.
Anywhooo ...

I fell a lot better with the ab section of the work out. I can do the work out a lot better now. With the ab portion I started to do that as an everyday thing, along with what ever work out is for that day. I hope thats fine. I feel like my "abs" I don't have YET are getting a lot stronger. I'm starting to enjoy cardio abs now instead of felling like ughhh I'm going to do this later.
Pure Cardio, well my form is getting a lot better but it seems the better my form is the more tired I get.


Insanity: Day 17 Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

I feel I did a lot better with the pure cardio, I'm getting better with the moves, the push ups still kill me though, my upper body just isn't so strong. I ended up taking like a 5 minute break before I started the cardio abs, this DVD kind of kills me but I was able to go a lot longer this time with certain moves. Now the jumping I find if I do it at my own pace I can do it a lot better and get a few done.

Also today I got to take a little nap because we took a test in my administrative medical procedures lecture class so we didn't end up having the lab so I got to go home and sleep which helped a lot.

Insanity: Day 16 Plyometric and Cardio

I am super tired sitting here at work, I had maybe 3 hours sleep all day if that. Lets not mention working all night and then going to class after work. In between getting Marlan from work I TRIED to take a nap but that didn't happen as much as I wanted it to. When we got back home I ended up cleaning up and then finally doing the work out. I feel it went well, again I made it through the whole warm up without stopping or getting some water. Malan and baby Marlan did keep deciding to get in front of me when trying to work out but Marlan did do a good job of getting them and keeping them occupied for a while until they would come back and do it again. Malan has a thing with trying to drink my water then when I do get a break and want to drink some, its almost all gone thanks to her. All in all it went well, I wish I could just go home and sleep... We know that wont happen though,since I have class like all day tomorrow! ughhhh


Insanity: Day 15 Fit Test

Day 1 ....................................................................................................................Day 15

This time around, the fit test seemed a lot easier and I was proud with the results. I even managed to drop 1.6 pounds which was shocking and even lost some inches. I'm happy with the results and will continue to work hard to get where I want to be. I felt like I did a lot better with the jumps also, more than I usually do when I'm doing the actual exercise. For now ...


Insanity: Day 11 Cardio Recovery, 12 Cardio Power & Resistance, 13 Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs, 14 REST!

Day 11 Cardio recovery - This day was a pretty good day for me, I like the recovery part. Although you still sweat and to me it is still a work out, its just not as intense as the other day. I 've noticed I'm getting back flexible and can stretch a lot deeper now. My body isn't as sore as it used to be either :)

Day 12 Cardio power and resistance - I'm getting so much better with the warm up, like I said before, I can make it through the whole 3 rounds and not stop for water or a break even. This work out is still hard for me somewhat, the jumps for me are still not "on point". I am better than the first time I did it, I think I need to find a better balance when I'm jumping and landing. Also the push ups, I'm just going to say, that is not my strongest point, AT ALL.

Day 13 Pure cardio and cardio abs - What to say about this, the pure cardio today was better than last time, still though them jumps, for some reason I just cant get the hang of them :( . Also today was my first time doing cardio abs, and boy oh boy this was something else. They didn't do the "regular" ab work outs that are normally done, they took it to a whole other level. This was pretty hard for me. Who am I kidding, this was really hard for me. I feel like I want to do this after every work out I do now though, just so I can get better and get a better result with my abs, I don't have yet.

Day 14 REST - My favourite day thus far :) lol. Truthfully though, although this is a rest day, I still feel like I be wanting to do some type of insanity DVD. I was super tired today though so I'm pretty glad it was a rest day!


Insanity: Day 10 Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Did I mention that Wednesdays are NOT my day at all. Lets say I go to work Tuesday night at 9:45pm then get off Wednesday morning at 7:45am. Drop Marlan off at work by 8am then go home for like 20 minutes or so before my class starts at 9am. So I have class 9am-10-06am, 10:30am-1:00pm, go home for like 30 minutes then back in another class 2pm-4:30pm, pick Marlan up from work then go back home. Did you see me mention SLEEP anywhere in there? Yep didn't think so, that's maybe because by this time I still haven't slept.
I get home and just want to get this work out over with so I can some type of sleep, I am super tired, my eyes hurt, everything just to much.
The work out: HARD is an understatement, although I'm getting better with repetition and doing the sets more times than I did before, as well as also doing the warm up the 3 times through, not stopping or getting any water (pats self on back). I still cant get the hang of jumping down, doing push up, running it out, jumping back up then doing it all over again. I do it as many times as I can, I still end up doing "girl" push ups because my arms just become so weak holding up my own body. Also being in the push up position then having to jump side to side, that has me laying on the floor about to pass out.
Overall, I  am still proud of myself for getting through the work out and completing it with no major issues, except wanting to sleep (side eye...

Well I got  like 2 hours sleep, if that and then I had to be back at work. I'm just glad tonight is my last night then I will be of until Sunday night because I seriously need sleep
Until tomorrow...

Insanity: Day 9 Pure Cardio

Although before, I said this was the hardest work out, I still fell its hard but I did a lot better this time around. Today I made it through the whole warm up without stopping or even getting any water. I was pretty proud of myself and wasn't as tired as I though I would be. I'm still not super good at doing the push ups but I tried a lot harder today, although I mainly still did "girl" push ups, but I would rather do that than nothing at all.
I'm still so motivated to work out even with the lack of sleep I'm continuing to get thanks to being a full time student, mum and "housewife". I cant wait until Thursday morning because 1) I don't have class on Thursdays, and 2) I wont have work until Sunday night.
I even went to walmart today to do grocery shopping but you know I had to pick up some extra things. I got myself a yoga mat, a pink one. After I brought it I felt bad because I should have brought the blue one so Marlan can work out on it when he decides to start. Although I don't think it makes a difference just because its pink. I also brought a scale, the electric type one where you stand on it and it digitally tells you your weight. Although I like the one we already had, i just found it hard to know if it was telling me my right weight or not. mmmm. I also brought a jump rope, going to put that to use sometime while working out.
Well I've got day 9 down, lets see how tomorrow goes!


Insanity: Day 7 Rest and Day 8 Cardio Power & Resistance

Well day 7 was a rest day which I was kind of debating should I just do some type of work out or should I rest like it tells me to. Well figures I rested, after those past 6 days I think I deserved it though. I find that I'm eating a lot more better and I've cut out the junk food like chips, chocolate and all that "fun" stuff. Funny enough its not bothering me to much either. When I'm at work I usually would just eat junk food because I'm sitting here for 10 hours over night, so I guess I would just be eating just because. Now if I do eat i grab some cereal, an apple, or something.

Day 8 - Cardio Power & Resistance (back here again)
This work out is still a pretty tough one to do, although this is my second time doing it. It's those push ups that be killing me, for the life of me I cannot do them. I have to push down spread my legs apart and keep doing it moving. I just cant do it. Instead I do the "girl" push ups then follow on with the rest of the work out.
With this work out I've seen a difference in my form and my willing to push further and be able to do a lot more reps than the first time around (Well not like 100 more but you know I'm better this time than the first time). The jumps we have to do, I always feel bad doing those since we live in an apartment, I wonder what the woman downstairs thinks about all that banging every 2 seconds (she hasn't complained so cant b to bad)
Well I made it through day 8 so lets keep it moving :)


Insanity: Day 3 Cardio Power and Resistance, 4 Cardio Recovery, 5 Pure Cardio, 6 Plyometric Cardio Circuit

I just got done finishing up day 6 of the insanity, and boy was this a tough week. That's not even mentioning the lack of sleep I got all week. With work, school, and 2 children, it has been such a crazy week for me.

Day 3: Cardio Power and Resistance

Day 4: Cardio Recovery
Today was the easiest day of this week, It was to do with more stretching and recovering from everything that I've done thus far, mainly the cardio from the day before.

Day 5: Pure Cardio
Now this was the hardest work out I have done thus far or should I say I've ever done in my life. I didn't do this until around 10pm or so because I was busy doing homework all day and making sure I stay ahead of my classes. I was also very tired and wanted to just lay down and go to sleep, but I pushed play and let the work out begin. I felt like I was literally going to die

Day 6: Plyometric Cardio Circuit
I did this work out on day 2 and I can honestly say I can see a difference in my form and me pushing through the work out a lot easier. Now I'm not saying it was easy, because it was far from. I am saying that it was easier than the very first time I did it. Malan even started trying to join in while I was working out, she was TRYING to copy what they was doing on tv and running arounf laughing while baby Marlan was trying to follow her around.

Well I can now say I have officially finished my first week, my body hurts a little, but I will keep pushing through so I can get the results I want :)

p.s I need to start blogging right after I do the work out so I can really remember every detail of what I was doing :/
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