
Ten Months


The months really are going by so fast, I can't believe my baby is ten months already. In two months she will be turning one. It's so crazy to me how time really does fly, I keep looking back like are you serious! Malan is taking a lot more steps now and mainly likes to stand instead of crawling, she walks more by holding onto things. Today we went to see if we could get her some "hard bottom" shoes, because we thought that would help her better keep her balance but the man told us soft bottoms would do the trick also. We left with no shoes (for Malan), seeing as she has more than enough shoes, as well as one pair of hard bottoms her auntie brought her for Christmas but their still to big. Her dad did get some more "hooping shoes" which he had to order from he store seeing as they didn't have his size.

We went to the gym (me, Marlan and Malan). Malan really enjoyed herself because there was like five other children she could play with. The woman at the gym daycare put her in a walker and she said she liked it very much after being in there for 10 minutes. Malans never had a walker because there is nowhere for her to really walk in out apt.
Her hairs growing and her "bald spot" in the back is clearing away, she has 4 teeth. Malan loves to dance, she holds on to your hand to stand up then lets go and bounces up and down swinging her arms around until she falls down, even then she sits on the floor dancing. Malan loves commercials that have some type of music or somebody singing in them, she stops still or looks at the TV until it goes off. Right now I think her best one is one with a big yelling "weee weee weee", I do that to Malan and she has her own version of it lol.
Also she has this thing where she sticks out her tounge and moves it lol, as well as when you ask her for a kiss she leans in towards you and kisses you on the lips(well me and her dad). It is so cute!!!

Today was her last day on breast milk, were going to try her on 2% milk now but water it down with baby water and see how she likes it. I was trying to go up till she was around one to stop breastfeeding but my milk supply has gotten alot lower, I'm glad I breastfed thou.
Malans enjoying all the new foods shes been tasting and still wants any and everything she sees me and her dad eat, which isn't always possible.
My baby has gotten so big and I kinda hate it, shes taking steps, has teeth and is just everywhere in the house.
I love her so much and so does her dad. We have and continue to enjoy every second with Malan!

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