
Weekend Recap


Well I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Thursday I got to wake up beside Malan and her father, although I was the one getting up when Malan woke up excited and jumping on the bed. I was looking forward to today, because I had a "chill day" planned for me, Marlan and Malan later that night. Marlan would go to the gym and as he was on his way home, I would run him a bath seeing as his body hurt so he could relax while I cooked. When he finished bathing, and the food was done, we would all eat then lay in bed and watch some movies till we fell asleep. As well as laugh and have some conversations. The day obviously didn't go like that. I was running Marlan a bath, he came home and said he was going down stairs for a while and I can do it when he comes back upstairs. Also I couldn't cook because he wasn't quiet hungry yet, due to him drinking his shake. Well eventually he came back upstairs and it was around 10pm, Malan was already in bed asleep. I was so upset I just cry ed while I talked to him and explained all I wanted was to have a nice family night together, seeing as I'm always working or tired. I was so looking forward to spending time with my family, but once again I was let down and I don't think he really understood where I was coming from. Eventually he ended up saying I could still cook if I wanted to and we can watch a movie. I skipped cooking seeing as it was late and we layed on the couch watching a movie. I was happy I got to do that although what I planned I would of enjoyed alot more. I know some time is better than no time!
Friday, Marlan went to Iowa City and me and Malan stayed home. We was in bed most of that day and was being so lazy. We spent maybe a hour or so in the living room and that's only because I was cooking and Malan was in her playpen.
Saturday, Marlan was still in Iowa City and me and Malan was home. In the morning I put her in the bath and put her pj's on (I know, it's morning time but I know where just relaxing at home). After that she fell right to sleep, so I got in the shower then layed down with her. I watched tv for a while then she finally woke up. We layed in bed watching different movies until our ride came so we could go to the library real quick to fax something of. We came back home and skyped my cousin in England for a while, I made some Spaghetti, we ate, then layed back in bed and went to sleep after a while.

Sunday, Marlan came home pretty early compared to when he usually comes. Again he went downstairs and stayed down there a while with his cousin. Me being me obviously said something, like come on now, he's been gone the whole weekend and I just want to spend SOME time with him and Malan together. He finally came upstairs and we layed down and watched a movie. I was supposed to take a nap, but that didn't happen. We were flicking channels from the super bowl to titanic. By the time I knew it I had to leave the house to go to work :(
Overall my weekend was pretty good, I know I got to spend all my time with my baby Malan and at least some time with her daddy

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