
Weekend Recap

My weekends really start on Thursday because I get off work 8am and dont have to go back in until Sunday night. I had my doctors opt and everything was good. I now weigh 171.2 pounds which means I gained a little over 8 pounds within 21 days (not cool), but overall the whole visit was good I'm growing like I'm supposed to be and baby Marlan has a nice strong heartbeat. For the rest of the day we just really relaxed.

Today makes it 2 years 8 months since I have been with Marlan, its not been easy but it has been worth it. We have a beautiful daughter together and a son on the way.

We just relaxed and spent time together as a family. I was sleeping most of the day seeing as I've been feeling alot more tired. This pregnancy is now beginning to take a toll on me, especially with working overnight. I felt like I would sleep, wake up to eat, drink or use the bathroom and I would be right back tired and sleeping again.

Marlan stayed home again and didn't go out to the club. We went to the store and finished up a little grocery shopping, got Malan a new tooth brush seeing as she has basically destroyed her old one. We got a movie from the redbox to watch for later on that night. I ended up washing my hair because it was long overdue, but I have a "sew in" (weave) in my hair. . I cooked some fish and spaghetti which was quiet nice, then we ate ice cream for dessert. We was supposed to watch the movie but as it started I felt myself getting sleepy and by the time I knew it I was sleeping. When I woke up it was only like 10pm but I ended up going to bed. Friday overall was a goo day.


I ended up waking up around 8am'ish so I decided to watch the red box movie (mirror mirror) that we got. It turned out to be good. I cleaned up as I have been the past few days or should I say everyday seeing as Malan brings her toys and drags them around everywhere in the apt. We had to go to the dmv because I needed to renew my drivers license. Marlan ended up leaving to go to the next little town to go to a party, which he didn't even end up going to.I nded up taking the sew in out of my head, I couldn't cope with having it in anymore. I said to myself I will never get no weave put in my hair again. I took my hair down and washed it, it fely horrible like straw or something. I ended up putting alomost a whole bottle of conditioner on it and tryed to brush it out which seemed like forever but eventually my hair started to feel a little better. I brushed it all out, lost a few chuncks and put it in two braids. Me and Malan, slept a lot, watched tv, play with toys which was fun. I ended up going to bed around 10pm'ish I was so tired but ended up waking up a little before Marlan came home and I ate some cereal my stomach felt so empty. We talked a little then I fell back to sleep.
I woke up around 8am today, which seems to be becoming a habbit for me on my off days at from work. I cleaned up a little, then layed down on the couch to watch tv. When Malan and Marlan eventually woke up around 12pm I cooked them some breakfast and was baically a couch potatoe for the rest of the day. I played with Malan in her room for a little while though which was fun dancing and singing along with her toys. I wanted to try get a little sleep before I woke up to cook then head off to work. I ended up getting like 2 hours sleep which didn't feel like anything then cooked some chicken, rice with brocalli and salad. I was kinda mad I had t work because I was feeling so sleepy and wish I could just sleep. Now I'm sitting at work and I can't stop yawning. I am super tired and hope time passes by quick so I can go home to my bed.


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