
Insanity: Day 2 Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Well today I got of work at 7:45am, dropped Marlan of at work by 8am, dropped his brother at school by 8:30am and was in class by 9am. Class didn't finish until 11:30am then I had to go home and stay awake with the kids because baby Marlan had a doctor opt at 1:30pm. I got back home around 2pm and had to pick up Marlans brother by 3:00pm (still no sleep). I got to get around 2 hours and that's all Ive gotten all day. Yet I still pressed play

I would like to say that this work out didn't get its name from anywhere, this program really is insane. It had my heart racing, and the sweat was dripping of me. Sean did a good job of pushing you and letting you know that he was there with you and pushing right along with you. Right now my legs hurt (it doesn't help that my foot is bruised due to a accident). My arms don't feel as bad but I can feel a little something going on in them. There were many times that I felt like I was going to throw up (thank god for those 30 second water breaks). It made me feel a little better to see other people on the DVD getting tired and taking breaks. It didn't make me feel as bad about myself because the program is hard.
So I made it through my second day and I'm still here. Lets see what tomorrow has to bring.


Insanity: Day 1 Fitness Test

After many months of battling with the "weight issues" I feel I have, going to the gym and seeing no results and continuously watching infomercials, I did it. I brought the insanity 60 day beach body challenge DVD. It came in the mail last week but I wanted to start fresh. After having two children, everything isn't were it used to be. My weight for me has always been a touchy subject and something I don't like to talk about to much. My self esteem is so low due to my weight and I don't look at myself how I really should

Waist 37.5
Thigh 26
Chest 36.5
Arm 12.5
Hips 39
Height 5'6
Weight 167

Today was kind of hard for me, it just showed me how out of shape I have gotten, but I know I will keep pushing and doing my best. I already know this is going to be one of the hardest things I will be doing, but I will commit to this becasue I want to get great results.

Move Day 1
switch kicks 54
power jacks 40
power knee 65
power jumps 15
globe jumps 5
suicide jumps 10
push up jacks 2
low plank oblique 12

So day one is officially over, lets see whats to come.


Weekend Recap

I got of work and was happy because I didn't have to go back to work until Sunday night. Marlan picked me up and wasn't talking to me for whatever reason he made up in his head. I got a little sleep but had to be up for the most part with the kids while Marlan was at work and his little brother in school.
I had my CPR class that I had to do for my program I will be taking this month. they said it would be from 6pm - 10pm, but we got out around 8pm which was a good thing. I got to go home and spend some time with the kids and make a little something to eat. We went to bed pretty early today because Marlan had to work ... By the end of the night he was talking to me a little lol

I had to drop Marlan of at work so I could have the car because Malan had her 2 year old doctors appointment. I was pretty tired though still but it was cool. Everything went well at the doctors and Malan is growing and is healthy all over. Malan now weighs 31 pound 10 oz, 36 inches long, and her head circumference is 48cm. Malan also had to get her hemoglobin level checked which came back good. Malan was pretty mad because she was due to get a shot, she had her 2nd hep A and cried for like 2 seconds. After that she was fine. On the ride home she went to sleep in the car (I don't know what it is but her and the baby always go to sleep after getting their shots.
Today I also got some cleaning done, A LOT. I deep cleaned our whole apartment which took me all day. I would have finished a lot earlier but with two children who need constant attention it was pretty hard and I would take breaks because I had to do other things. I was happy by the end of the night because I knew I could relax all day tomorrow and not worry about cleaning up to much.

Today seemed like it went by rather quickly. I hung out with Marlan and the kids. Marlan wanted to spend some time with me and watch "Hot Tub Time Machine" before he went out later on. As much as I talked sh*t about not wanting to watch the DVD because I have seen it so many times, I still did and I enjoyed it lol. Today I also sewed Malan a skirt, which turned out really good for my first attempt. With the rest of the material I will be making me a dress. All I really have to do is fit the dress to my size because I ended up buying the original dress from goodwill because I liked the print on the fabric and used the bottom part to make Malans skirt. Marlan said that's what me and her can wear when we all take family pictured for baby Marlans 6 months. That would be nice because its something I made. Also today baby Marlan pulled himself up using the couch, me and Marlan was so shocked and he was just standig there laughing. This little boy is growing up so quick and continues to amaze us everyday.

Today was a "normal" day, nothing special or different. Well I cant say nothing special because everyday I spend with my children is special :)
Marlan was sick (Self inflicted) which added to my emotional state I was already in and how mad I was at him. I spent time with Malan and baby Marlan and ended up finishing little Nates jacket (Marlans little brother). It turned out really nice but I had to change the studs because when I bleached it, like a fool I left studs on there and they changed color so I had to take them off and put new ones on. After I finished that I ended up laying down to sleep which was around 5pm and by the time I woke up it was almost 9pm (when I had to be getting up foo work).

Overall the weekend was nice. Filled with so many mixed emotions ...

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