
Life Changing Event

Malan Ja'en Dixon
Due Date: 04.06.11
Born: 04.10.11
Weight: 7Pounds 2.3ounces

Happy birthday to my first baby, welcome into this world Malan.
Malan I want you to know, this was the best day of my life. From the moment I layed my eyes on you, I fell IN LOVE . I couldn't believe you was finally here. We waited 9 whole months for you, and I tell you, they weren't easy. First off, in the beginning you had me up every morning between 3-4am throwing up (mummy was not happy). Then I was getting bigger and bigger by the day, you had me eating things I didn't even like, and that weren't good for me (lol), and I was so emotional. We didnt know if you were a girl or boy so we couldnt really buy you aanything. Daddy got you your highchair, carseat/stroller, and your baby swing (which could have been for a girl or boy) first. When you were born, daddy had to run out and buy you some GIRL clothes so you could have something to wear =] . When we left the hospital we went to your nana's house so she could see you befor we made that 3 1/2 hour drive back home. You got to see you nana and auntie, your two uncles came to see you when you was at the hospital. Your nana got to spend some time with you then we left to take our drive home. Me, you and daddy!

Malan I want you to know you changed my life. You changed me for the better and I will do ANYTHING for you. Mummy and Daddy love you dearly!

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